Сучасні системи фінансового обліку

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: міжнародного економічного аналізу і фінансів

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СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
1132доцент Гурняк І. Л.МВЕ-61


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
1116МВЕ-61доцент Гурняк І. Л.

Опис курсу

This course focuses on accounting automation issues. An analysis of the first such systems and clear trends in the automation market was made. The issues of automation of processes of interaction with the client, supplier, business – analytics and production are discussed. Current trends in artificial intelligence, automation, and education systems are analyzed.

Aim and goals of the course – to acquaint students with the automation process; learn to apply the most friendly programmable tools; to encourage students to apply the studied methods in future professional activities; to improve students’ teamwork skills and possess programming experience
The main task of the course is to provide students with practical skills in the field of ERP.

Рекомендована література

  1. Maziyar Ghasemi, Vahid Shafeiepour, Mohammad Aslani, Elham Barvayeh The impact of Information Technology (IT) on modern accounting systems, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 28, 2011, Pages 112-116, ISSN 1877-0428, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.023. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042811024621)
  2. S. Yadav. (2018). The Impact of Information Technology on Modern Accounting Systems With reference to Pune Region Prof. International Journal of Research in IT and Management (IJRIM) Vol. 6 Issue 8, August 2016, pp. 87-94.
  3. Covaleski, John M. “Giant ERP vendors suffer setbacks in middle market.” Accounting Today. Jan. 2000.
  4. Dance, D. Richard. “Five keys to evaluating client/server accounting.” Accounting Today. May 1996.
  5. Francett, Barbara. “ERP gets the point.” Software Magazine. Feb. 1998.
  6. Gibbs, Jeff. “Going Live with SAP.” Internal Auditor. June 1998.
  7. Gibbs, Jeff. “The power of enterprise computing.” Internal Auditor. Feb. 1997.
  8. Glover, Steven M., Douglas F. Prawitt, and Marshall B. Romney. “Implementing ERP.” Internal Auditor. Feb. 1999.

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