Фінансовий аналіз

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: міжнародного економічного аналізу і фінансів

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
828доцент Гурняк І. Л.МВЕ-41


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
814МВЕ-41доцент Гурняк І. Л.

Опис курсу

This course is designed for students of economic specialties. The course does not require prior preparation or study of any introductory subjects including programming languages or statistical packages.

The peculiarity of the course is its practice-oriented approach. All proposed models are being tested using programming tools (Python, R).

The course is designed using modern approaches to the study of economic problems, including modern institutional and behavioral economics, information economy, public sector positioning, stock market maneuvering.

The course is interactive about the courses: microeconomics, game theory, programming, accounting, and audit.


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