National programs

State budget projects and grants

Ukraine in the conditions of transformation of the global system of international relations

State registration: 0111U005529

Legal forms and mechanisms for the implementation of Ukrainian international legal personality in the European regional institutional system

State registration: 0113U005125

International law of the XXI century: current status and prospects for development

State registration: 0113U000870

Sectoral integration into the economic system of the European Union

State registration: 0110U003148

Environmental factors of economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe

State registration: 0114U004246

Study of the problem of choosing and forming the optimal trajectory of economic development of states in terms of their significant trade and financial openness

State registration: 0113U000869

Linguo-pragmatic and methodological aspects of intercultural communication

State registration: 0112U004031

Regional Development Policy of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Processes

State registration: 0113U004176