Heinike Heinsoo
Position: Lecturer, Foreign Languages of the Faculty of International Relations Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-41-98
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com
Facebook profile: www.facebook.com
Research interests
Сontrasting study of Estonian and Finnish, Vodian, Baltic-Finnish languages, Finnish culture.
- 75 articles, topics: a contrasting study of Estonian and Finnish, Vodian, Baltic-Finnish languages, Finnish culture.
- from 1.02.2015 University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, Finno-Ugric Department, Associate Professor of Baltic-Finnish Languages (0.5)
- 1989 – 1.02.2015 University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, Finno-Ugric Department, (1.00).
- 1987-1989 senior lecturer at the Department of Finno-Ugric Languages of the Tartu State University
- 1983-1986 Postgraduate Student, Department of Finno-Ugric Languages, Tartu State University, part-time teacher
- 1979-1983 Lecturer at the Department of Finno-Ugric Languages of the Tartu State University
- 2006 Kanni Labi, Ph.D. Supervisor Heinike Heinso, Verb semantics of Estonian kalevalometric song, University of Tartu
- 2017 Eva Saar, doctoral degree, System for changing words of the Soykol dialect of Izhor language, University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
- Relationship between subject and predicate in the Vodian language (1987), augmented edition in English Mā ja pūd lväd, meid eb lē. The Subject and the Predicate in Votic (2010).
Work experience outside of Estonia
- 1990-1991 Inna Koskenniemi Scholarship, University of Turku;
- 1994 Baltic-Finnish lecturer at the University of Mainz; Skytteanska Samfundeti scholarship at Umea University.
- Periodical lectures on the Erasmus program (mainly Votic language and the contrastive grammar of Estonian and Finnish at universities in Finland. Regular participation in scientific conferences (approximately 3-4 conferences a year).
- Inkeriläisten Sivistyssäätiön ansiomerkki (mark of distinction) 12.05.2014 – 05/12/2014 – in recognition of the work done for the Ingermanlanders
- Letter of thanks of the Kingisepp region of the Russian Federation for the development of Votic culture (July 12, 2014).
- First prize at the International Conference of Linguists in 2013 (ICL) for the submitted poster “Jingl bells” (along with Eva Saar)
Teaching materials
Estonian language course page – Estonian in Lviv
Finnish language course page – Suomen kieli Lvivissä
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