Mariya Kut

Position: Associate Professor, International Security and Strategic Studies Department

Scientific degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences

Phone (office): (032) 239-43-65


Google Scholar profile:

ORCID profile:

Research interests

Financial and economic security

International economic integration

Transformation of the digital market of the European Union

Foreign policy of Ukraine


  1. Koknaeva M. Conceptual foundations of financial and economic security management of trade enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Scientific works of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy. – Poltava: PDAA, 2011. – P. 319 – 325. – (Issue 2, vol. 3).
  2. Koknaeva M. Strengthening the financial and economic security of commercial enterprises on the basis of business process management / M. Koknaeva // Economic Forum: Science. magazine. – Lutsk: Lutsk National Technical University, – 2011 – No. 1. – P. 250-255.
  3. Koknaeva M. Factors of the external and internal environment to ensure financial and economic security of commercial enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Bulletin of KhNU: science. magazine. – Khmelnytskyi: KhNU, 2011. – P. 314-318. – (Series: Economic sciences; Vol. 2).
  4. Koknaeva M. Necessity of managing the financial and economic security of commercial enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Socio-economic and legal research in the knowledge society: additional materials. international science and practice conf. (June 3-4, 2010). – Lviv: LIMAUP, 2010. – P. 451 – 454.
  5. Koknaeva M. The role of financial security in the economic security of commercial enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Financial-economic, accounting-analytical and organizational-legal support of reproductive processes on the way to the knowledge economy: materials of the international science and practice Internet Conf. (November 26-26, 2010). – Chernivtsi: BDFA, 2010. – P. – 171-173.
  6. Koknaeva M. Management of financial security of a commercial enterprise in conditions of instability / M. Koknaeva // Actual problems of social and economic development of the market economy of Ukraine: coll. theses add. VII interuniversity student-postgraduate science-practice. conf. (December 8-10, 2010). – Lviv: LKA, 2010.¬ P. 7-9.
  7. Koknaeva M. The mechanism of ousting the shadow economy from the state to ensure the financial and economic security of commercial enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Wyksztalcenieinauka bez granic – 2011: materialy VII miedzynarodowejnaukowi-praktycznejkonferencije (7-15 grudzień 2011). – Przemysl. – 2011. – C. 96-98.
  8. Koknaeva M. The financial and economic capacity of the enterprise and its ability to self-develop as one of the main qualitative characteristics of the financial and economic security of commercial enterprises eva M. // Social capital: modern aspects of research and development: materials of the international of science conf. students, graduate students and young scientists (September 29, 2011). – Lviv: LDUVS, 2011. – P. 136-138.
  9. Koknaeva M. Approaches to defining the concept of “financial and economic security of an enterprise” / M. Koknaeva // Problems of post-crisis economic policy in Ukraine: science. conf. teaching staff and graduate students of the “Academy” educational and scientific complex (April 6-7, 2011). – Lviv: LKA, 2011. – P. 62.
  10. M. Koknaeva. Stages of assessment of financial and economic security of commercial enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Effective mood in modern science – 2012: material VIII international scientific and practical conference (27.04.2012-05.05.2012). – Praha. – 2012. – P. 26-28.
  11. Koknaeva M. The influence of the external environment on the formation of the policy of financial and economic security of enterprises trading in building materials / M. Koknaeva // Problems and prospects for the development of accounting, analysis and control in the conditions of global integration of processes: materials of the First All-Ukrainian of science practice Internet Conf. (March 28, 2012). – Lviv: LKA, 2012. – P. 114-115.
  12. M. Koknaeva. Peculiarities of the formation of methodological tools for the study of financial and economic security of commercial enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Economic magazine XXI: science. magazine. – 2012. – No. 5-6. – P. 53-55.
  13. M. Koknaeva. Formation of the financial and economic security management system of commercial enterprises based on the process-oriented approach / M. Koknaeva // Innovative economy: all-Ukrainian. science-production magazine. – 2012. – No. 6 (32). – pp. 220-223.
  14. Koknaeva M. Assessment of financial and economic security of trade enterprises / M. Koknaeva // Journal of European Economy. – 2012. – Volume 11 (No. 3). – P. 347-357.
  15. M. O. Koknaeva Financial security of commercial enterprises in the conditions of exit from the financial crisis / S. S. Hrynkevich, M. O. Koknaeva // Scientific bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine: coll. science and technology pr. – Lviv: RVV NLTU of Ukraine, 2010. – P. 288-292. – Issue 20.15.
  16. Koknaeva M. O. Formation of the financial and economic security management system of commercial enterprises / S. S. Hrynkevich, M. O. Koknaeva // Scientific works of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy: economics chni sciences. – 2011. – P. 301-307. – Issue 3. Volume 2.
  17. Koknaeva M. Western models of the functioning of financial systems and the identification of their main features in the market economy / M. Koknaeva // State and directions of development of the financial system of Ukraine: materials of the round table (February 19, 2014). – Lviv: Lviv Institute of the MAUP, 2014. – P. 8-12.
  18. Koknaeva M.O. Problems of the market transformation of the regional economy and ways to solve them / M.O. Koknaeva //Transformational changes in socio-economic systems: the challenge of time: collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, May 7, 2014. – Lviv: “Liana-M”, 2014. – P.93-97.
  19. Post-crisis development of the economy of Ukraine: the basics of the modernization strategy. Materials of the 6th scientific meeting of the student society of LI MAUP and other higher educational institutions // Modern tendencies of labor force migration processes. – L.: LEE MAUP, 2014, p. 28-31.
  20. Koknaeva M.O. Organization and promotion of ethnic festivals / M.O. Koknaeva / Collection of theses based on the results of the seminar / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism., May 215.
  21. Koknaeva M.O. Factors influencing the development of international tourism in Ukraine / M.O. Koknaeva / “European integration and international security of tourism”: Coll. Mater.Science-Practice conference (Lviv, April 22, 2015) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism. – Lviv: Liga-Press, 2015. – pp. 139-145.
  22. Koknaeva M.O. Peculiarities of managing financial and economic security in trade / M.O. Koknaeva // Visnyk LIET, 2015.
  23. Koknaeva M.O. Risk-oriented financial strategy for ensuring the security of commercial enterprises/ M.O. Koknaeva / Strategic directions for the recovery of the economy and social sphere of Ukraine in conditions of a systemic crisis: a selection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, December 11, 2015. – Lviv: “Liana-M”, pp. 150-154.
  24. Koknaeva M., Vyhopen T. Development trends of the hotel industry of Ukraine. Conference.
  25. Koknaeva M. Topornytska S. Ways of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union: problems and prospects.
  26. S.S. Hrynkevich, O.I. // Strategic imperatives of managing the financial and economic security of trade enterprises: a monograph // Hrynkevich S.S., Ilyash O.I., Koknaeva M.O. – Lviv, 2015. – 210 p.


KUT Mariya Oleksandrivna (28.III.1987, Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region) – economist, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Principles of management of financial and economic security of trade enterprises, 2013). Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of LCA (2009), postgraduate studies (2012). In 2010-2015, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at IAPM, 2014-2020, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism. Since 2022, Associate Professor of International Security and Strategic Studies at Lviv University. Since 2013 – Deputy Chairman. Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Academic Space”.

Research interests: financial and economic security, international economic integration, transformation of the European Union’s digital market. More than 30 works, including. Conceptual bases of management of financial and economic security of trade enterprises (Poltava: PDAA, 2011), The mechanism of shadow economy displacement from the state to ensure financial and economic security of trade enterprises (Przemysl. – 2011), Features of the Formation of Methodological Tools for Researching the Financial and Economic Security of Commercial Enterprises (Economic Journal XXI: Scientific Journal – 2012), UN: Its Significance and Effectiveness in Today’s Realities (Lviv, 2023). Scientific and pedagogical experience. “Teaching and research in a modern university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives”, Faculty of Education, University of Bialystok 2022;


– Research internship Academic integrity: an online course for teachers, through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus. 08/11/2021, 60 hours (2 ECTS credits).

– Scientific and pedagogical internship “Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives”, Faculty of Education, University of Bialystok 2022; (180 teaching hours)

– Scientific internship – Improvement of teaching skills 4.0, Lviv 2023 2. Scientific internship “Project activity” January 17, 2023 – February 14, 2023 with the amount of 16 academic hours/0.5 ECTS credit

– CERTYFIKAT Nr WSG/IE/07/2024/10. Kurs JęzykaPolskiego (140 g /B2)/ WyzszaszkolaGospodarki. Bydgoszcz, 14 Lipca 2024 r. InstytutEuropejski.



  1. Kut M.O., Vorobel O. Means of action and countermeasures to hybrid war in Ukraine Ukraine in the conditions of transformation of the international security system/ M.O. Kut/ Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. (Lviv, May 12, 2023).
  2. Kut M., Mandrika U. The UN, its significance and effectiveness in today’s realities/M. Kut/ The international community and Ukraine in modern global civilizational processes: current economic, political-legal, security and social-humanitarian aspects: materials of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Uzhgorod, April 18-19, 2023), – 148-152 with.

ISBN 978-617-7825-98-1

  1. Kut M.O. Economic security of the enterprise and the socio-economic state of Ukraine as a result of military aggression by the Russian Federation / M.O. Kut. // Educational analytics of Ukraine. – 2023.
  2. Kut M.O., Gutsman D. Impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on international security and law and order / M.O. Corner/ International conflicts in the modern world: from regional confrontation to global rivalry. Materials of the international scientific conference (Lviv, December 20, 2023)., – 115 p.
  3. Kut M. (2023). ATTRIBUTABLE FEATURES OF THE EU DIGITAL MARKET. Economy and society, (57).
  4. Oleksandr Kuchyk, Orest Hohosha, Nataliya Shalenna, Mariia Kut, Oksana Kushta Effectiveness of the Decision-Making Process in International Security Organizations in the Context of International Crises. Pakistan Journal of Criminology Vol. 16, No. 02, April—June 2024 (231-246)


– CERTYFIKAT Nr WSG/IE/07/2024/10. Kurs JęzykaPolskiego (140 g /B2)/ WyzszaszkolaGospodarki. Bydgoszcz, 14 Lipca 2024 r. InstytutEuropejski.


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