«Нові» та «старі» кордони в Балто-Чорноморському регіоні (Old and New Borders in the Black Baltic Sea Region)
Тип: На вибір студента
Кафедра: європейських та регіональних студій
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
11 | 4 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
11 | 12 | доцент Папіш Н. І. | МВЄ-62 (англ) |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
11 | 12 | МВЄ-62 (англ) |
Опис курсу
Objectives of the course:
The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students, future masters of international relations, on a sculpturing of borders within the Black Baltic Sea region, the main issues of changing borders and boundaries in the region, and logics of inclusion and exclusion that shape its political contours.
The course focuses on the changing the borders in the BBSR which are highly affected by geopolitical events and conflicts. This course contributes to the understanding of multiple borders with particular emphasis on the question how de- and re-bordering affect the regionalisation process in practice and how it influences the cooperation within the BBSR.
The aim of the course (based on an analysis of a corpus of documents) is to show that the region-building process in the BBSR itself creates new borders, which define the level of the member state’s political participation in the region. The governance of macro-regions would benefit from the development of such analytical frameworks that take into account the impact of the multitude of borders on the practical level.the main trends and peculiarities of international cooperation between the countries of the region among themselves and with third countries.
Learning outcomes:
1) To demonstrate profound knowledge of the concept of state boundaries, their classification, basic approaches to the study of border problems;
2) To demonstrate knowledge of historical stages of the formation of borders in the Baltic-Black Sea region;
3) To collect and analyze a large amount of information concerning functions of the borders after the First World War and in the interwar period, dynamics of boundary functions after the Second World War, functions of the borders after the collapse of the USSR and after the accession of the states of the region to the EU;
4) To conduct independent researches of the role of the integration function of borders in the cooperation of the Baltic-Black Sea region.
The course consists of 8 lectures (16 hours) and 8 seminars (16 hours).
- Concept of state boundaries, their classification. Functions of state borders (integration (contact) and barrier). Basic approaches to studying state borders.
- Formation, evolution and changing of the status of borders in the Baltic region.
Post-war borders (First World War). Post-war borders (World War II). Borders after the collapse of the socialist bloc and the USSR. Borders after EU expansion to the east (2004).
- Integration and barrier features of the borders in the Baltic Sea region at the present stage.
- Security of the borders of the Baltic Sea region. Migration crisis and its impact on border security.
5.The formation, evolution and change of the status of borders in the Black Sea region.
Post-war borders (First World War). Post-war borders (World War II). Borders after the collapse of the socialist bloc and the USSR. Borders after EU expansion to the east (2004 and 2007).
6Integration and barrier features of the borders in the Black Sea region at the present stage.
7.Security of the borders of the Black Sea region. Migration crisis and its impact on border security.
8.Borders of Ukraine with the states of the Baltic-Black Sea region
- Functional,classification and geopoliticalapproaches to the study of boundaries.
- German-Danish and German-Polish border.The border with Russia and the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia).Russian-Finnish and Russian-Polish (Kaliningrad region) border.
- Integration function of the borders: borders within the EU.Barrier function of borders: the border of Russia with the EU states.
- Integrated EU Border Management and participation of the Baltic Sea States in it.Russia’s border with the Baltic states and the Russian-Finnish border. Counteraction to illegal migration.
- Russian-Georgian and Georgian-Turkish border. Bulgarian-Romanian and Bulgarian-Turkish border.
- Integration function of the borders: borders within the EU.Barrier function of boundaries: the Russian-Georgian border.
- Participation of the countries of the Black Sea region in the integrated border management system of the EU. The borders of Turkey in the context of the migration crisis.
- Ukrainian-Polish and Ukrainian-Romanian border: problems of functioning at the present stage. Ukrainian-Russian border in conditions of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Integration of Ukraine into the system of joint management of the EU borders
Рекомендована література
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